The International ISAPS Fresh Cadaver Aesthetic Surgery Dissection Course on Facial Anatomy will be held on January 16th, 17th and 18th 2025
at the Anatomy Laboratory of University Hospital of Liège in Belgium.

Prof. Jean-Luc Nizet
Specialist in plastic surgery and member of numerous Belgian and international scientific societies, Prof. Nizet is the Chair of the Plastic and Maxillo-facial Surgery Department in the University Hospital of Liège, Belgium.
He also is co-founder of the Botaclinic where he performs cosmetic procedures.
As President of the Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon (French lead) from 2010 to 2013 and President of the Royal Belgian Society of Plastic Surgery, Prof. Nizet has been extremely concerned about the training requirements for practitioners. Additionnally, he works at parliamentary level to set standards controlling plastic and cosmetic surgery in private practice.